My new project for
Y2K (or is it M3?): the construction of a Taylor T1 2½" x 2½" single with
Stephenson Link reversing gear. I collected the castings just before Christmas '99 and made a start milling the baseplate. The baseplate is a revised design for this engine. It uses the heavier casting for the TJ twin but has only two main bearings rather than the three used on earlier T1s. The crankshaft (the rectangular block of steel in the photos above) will be beefed-up to compensate. I had received the plans a couple of months earlier and so had been able to begin work on some of the parts made from stock materials; such as the columns and the drag link. However I've spent most of the time redrawing the plans full-size using AutoSketch to resolve some of the ambiguities in my own mind and ensure that I working with a consistent set of optional features. If any previous builders of this engine have any comments on the construction, I'd be glad to hear from them. |
Aug00 |
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Dec00 |
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Mar01 |